Breaking News

International Human Solidarity Award - 2020

 20 December should be celebrated every day.  Peace, love, progress throughout the world.  Everyone is happy.  May God's blessings fulfill everyone's dreams. Start sharing happiness from now on because 20 December is International Human Solidarity Day.  We are all messengers of love, peace and humanity and world unity. This day is a golden opportunity for all of us to tell everyone the importance of this day.  Greetings from India to all your well wishers.  May the Almighty protect you all.

[[[The International Human Solidarity Day, observed on December 20, is an international annual unity day of the United Nations and its member states introduced by the general assembly during the 2005 World Summit.]]]

Congratulations All Excellency 🎉💐🎊

- Akanksha Saxena

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